IPA Annual General Meeting 2012

Category: Archive
August 30, 2012
August 30, 2012, in Rotterdam, The Netherlands

IPA Annual General Meeting

Dear IPA members,

The IPA board would like to welcome you to attend the IPA Annual General Meeting in Rotterdam, The Netherlands Thursday August 30th 2012. After the AGM on Thursday afternoon we are planning to visit the Erasmus hospital and University where we will see the pharmacy, where Myozyme is being mixed, and tour the department where the infusions are given. On Friday we will be visiting the factory in Geel (Belgium) where Myozyme is produced.

Paying members organisations of the IPA can apply for a travel grant. The IPA board will decide depending on the number of requests, individual needs, and the budget available. No guarantee can be given.

We hope to be able to welcome many IPA members at the conference, where you will be able to see and learn a lot regarding the process of the myozyme infusions.

If you would like to participate in the AGM you can do so by sending an e-mail to paula.waddell@vsn.nl.

We need to know by May 15th who will be attending!

The AGM agenda, minutes and conference details will then be sent to you nearer the time.

Baarn, the Netherlands, April 2012


International Pompe Association
Lt. Generaal van Heutszlaan 6
tel. 00-31-35-5480475
fax 00-31-35-5480499
email paula.waddell@vsn.nl

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