- Preselect Section:IPA and Category:Events or make sure that the proper section/category is selected in the article view.
- Enter short event description in the “Title” field (which will display only in the articles list).
- Type event in the large editor area. If you copy and paste text make sure that you paste unformatted text or use the “Paste as Plain Text” button. Double-check in HTML mode that the text has only compatible formatting tags (p, h1..6, ul, li etc.)
Use the template below for formatting! - Add country picture (alignment: right – 64x64px flags can be found in the directory //images/stories)
- Check the article parameters in the right column:
a) Enter the start date of the calendar item in the “Created Date” field.
b) Assign publishing dates, in particular the Finish Publishing date which will make sure that the event is removed from the list automatically when it is over.