Poland and Italy celebrate International Pompe Day
Associazione Italiana Glicogenosi (AIG) has given quite some attention to the first International Pompe Day that will be celebrated on April 15. April 15 has been elected to be the day of celebration by the international Pompe Community to honor Dr. J.C. Pompe. This day was the day of his death in 1945, killed by the Nazi Germans.
AIG created an animated video to promote International Pompe Day. The video tells about the problems of Pompe Disease, but that together we are strong. For more information you can visit the website of AIG, but also the Facebook page that was created for International Pompe Day
The Pompe Association Poland invites you for the celebration of International Pompe Day at April 15. The meeting will take place in the Library and Information Center at the Medical University of Warsaw.
Location: Library and Information Centre at the Medical University of Warsaw.
Time: 14.00 hrs
You can find more information of the event at: http://www.facebook.com/OgrodPompego