III. International Congress on GSDs

Alberto Molares Vila
Category: Archive
June 1, 2012
June 1-3, 2012, in Burgos, Spain

III. International Congress on GSDs

As every year, we have the pleasure to inform to all of you of the III GSD Congress that we will organize next June, 1st and 2nd, at the National Reference Care Centre for People with Rare Diseases and their Families (CREER), in the city of Burgos (the same location of last year) in Spain.

As you can see in the program, this year is preferentially oriented to muscle GSDs. But there are some presentations about hepatics GSDs.

As we have recently met in Lyon, it is not our purpose to repeat another meeting for the representatives of GSD associations inside this congress, but we will be happy to have the attendance of some of you.

For congress registration issues, please contact with our congress secretariat:

Begoña Albert
Av. Marqués de Sotelo, 7
46002 Valencia, Spain
Phone: 963 518 142
Fax: 963 942 152
E-mail: b.albert@halcon-viajes.es




Alberto Molares Vila
President and Scientific Program Coordinator
Spanish Association of Patients with Glycogen Storage Diseases (AEEG)

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